Eliza Piticari

Hey there! I’m Eliza, the founder of Friendly Label and your dedicated brand specialist. Welcome to my scheduling page! Here, you can easily book a time that suits you for us to dive into the heart of your brand's vision. Whether you're seeking a bold rebrand or starting fresh, I'm here to guide you towards creating a memorable and impactful identity!

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  • Free Consultation Meeting

    30 minutes
    I believe that every brand has a unique story waiting to be told. Let's meet and explore how Friendly Label can craft a narrative that resonates with your audience and sets you apart. Book a free consultation now and let's see if we're the match to elevate your brand!

    I believe that every brand has a unique story waiting to be told. Let's meet and explore how Friendly Label can craft a narrative that resonates with your audience and sets you apart. Book a free consultation now and let's see if we're the match to elevate your brand!